As a charity, volunteers are at the heart of our museum operations. The support of our volunteers is vital as it enables us to fulfill our aims and visions for the museum. Our volunteering experience ensures that you have a chance to make a difference but also have an opportunity to develop new skills and meet new people.
Why volunteer with us?
We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic new volunteers to join us! You don’t need to have any qualifications or experience of working in a museum. To join our team or enquire more about volunteering with us, please get in touch with us at
Please note that you must be at least 18 years old to volunteer.
The Fan Museum Trust is a registered charity (No. 295 303). Donations and bequests, large or small, are always welcome. A monetary donation will help preserve The Fan Museum’s treasures and historic buildings for future generations, in turn enabling the Museum to develop new exhibitions and broaden public access to its collections.
Registered UK tax payers may also Gift Aid their donations; please contact the General Manager via email to find out more.
We welcome enquiries for the donation of fans and related materials to enrich our collection. Please keep in mind that, given the size of both collections in the Museum and the depth of history covered by them, we are not actively accepting object donations that do not align with our Collections Policy.
For various reasons, it is not always possible to accept donations into the collections and please note that we are not able to accept unsolicited donations under any circumstances.
We ask that anyone wishing to donate an object contact the Curator by email with attached photos of the fan(s) in question.
The Friends of The Fan Museum support us in a variety of activities, from direct fundraising to voluntary front of house work. With more than 200 Friends worldwide, we are always keen to welcome new Friends from across the globe, as well as locally.
Benefits include:
Annual Membership
£35.00 per annum
Life Membership
Annual and Life options cover membership for one person or a couple.
Overseas members can be admitted as Life Members only.
To become a Friend of the Fan Museum please download our membership form and return it by post to
Secretary to the Friends, The Fan Museum, 12 Crooms Hill, Greenwich, SE10 8ER
or by email to
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Children under 7, Disabled visitors and carers, Art Fund Members and London Pass Members
Free entry for senior citizens.
Please note that the discounts listed above cannot be applied when visitors are part of a large group visit or guided tour group. Please click here for further details.
Group Bookings