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The Fan Museum announces major acquisition

  • 3rd February 2020

The Fan Museum is pleased to announce the acquisition of an exceptional late-sixteenth century ‘flag fan’, a precious survival from a time when hand held fans were exotic ornaments as opposed to commonplace accessories.

The article was probably manufactured in Venice, Italy where flag fans (in Italian, ventarola) enjoyed popular status throughout the sixteenth century. Demonstrating fine craftsmanship, both sides of the fan’s rectangular screen are richly painted with mythological subjects – one side with Cupid trapping birds, the other with a satyr (half-bestial spirit) unveiling the Goddess Venus; the subject, a seductive allegory of earthly love, was reproduced widely by artists throughout the sixteenth century, most famously by Correggio (1489-1534), whose erotic masterpiece resides in the Musée de Louvre, Paris.

The fan is on public display from 01 February 2020, forming part of The Fan Museum’s newly installed ground floor galleries.

For further information, please contact: Jacob Moss, Curator
Images: Rhian Cox

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