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Heroes: Saviours, Traitors and Supermen

  • Thursday 20th February 2020, 2:00pm

Heroes: Saviours, Traitors and Supermen
An illustrated lecture by Lucy Hughes-Hallett

14.00hrs, Thursday 20 February 2020
Tickets: £7.50 / £6.75 (Friends discount)

The Fan Museum is pleased to welcome to the intimate setting of the Orangery, cultural Historian, author and The Arts Society lecturer, Lucy Hughes-Hallett, who’ll give a fascinating talk on a subject closely related to the Museum’s first exhibition of 2020, Heroic Figures.

Exploring in rich detail the concept of the hero, the lecture begins before the walls of Troy, with Achilles, and ends in the 19th century with Garibaldi, one of the first heroes of the age of mass-media (the front-man of the Italian national liberation movement, he liked to relax of an evening by reading about himself in the Illustrated London News).

Touching on half a dozen other figures who have been the object of hero-worship, Hughes-Hallett asks how these men – the scoundrels and scallywags as well as the saintly ones – managed to persuade their contemporaries that they were somehow superhuman.

Tickets can be purchased here.

If you are a Friend of The Fan Museum then please email or call 0208 305 1441 to purchase tickets.

Photo: Jerry Bauer

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Museum Admission Pricing

Adults: £5.00
Children (age 7-16): £3.00
Family ticket (up to 2 Adults and up to 3 Children, also 1 Adult and 4 Children): £10.00
Concessions: £3.00
  • Students (with vaild student card)
  • Senior citizens
  • English Heritage
  • Friends of The Horniman
  • Friends of The Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Staff/Volunteers of the National Maritime Museum
Free Entry for…

Children under 7, Disabled visitors and carers, Art Fund Members and London Pass Members

Wednesday Special:

Free entry for senior citizens.

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